Work-Life Services for Executive Branch Employees

Work-Life Services are negotiated benefit programs for Executive Branch employees resulting from a collaboration between New York State and the public employee unions. These programs are designed to increase employee productivity and morale by improving the quality of work and life for employees. They include Employee Assistance Program, Network Child Care Centers, Flex Spending Account, NYS-Ride, WellNYS Everyday, and Pre-Retirement Planning.

You can find detailed information about these negotiated benefits, including pre-retirement planning information. If you are eligible to retire within five years and have not previously attended a Directions: Pre-Retirement Planning Seminar, you are eligible to attend. Contact Human Resources to let your agency liaison know you are interested. You must be registered by your agency and have a confirmation notice in order to attend.

There are also Network Child Care Centers available for care during the summers for school-age children, which provide quality, full-day camp programs. For information, contact your EAP coordinator. If you are paying for child care for a child under age 13 in order to work and have not already done so, consider enrolling in the Dependent Care Advantage Account (DCAAccount).

Visit or call 800-358-7202 to speak with someone about your eligibility for the employer contribution and how this valuable, money-saving benefit could help you with camp expenses. Or to speak with someone at Work-Life Services to learn about any of these services, contact:

New York State Work-Life Services
2 Empire State Plaza | 11th Floor
Albany, NY 12223
[email protected]