Man in the middle of a group of incarcerated women at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility

Sexual Abuse Prevention & Education Office -- PREA Implementation

Sexual Abuse Prevention & Education Office -- PREA Implementation


The Sexual Abuse Prevention & Education Office (SAPEO) is charged with developing and implementing policy to reduce and respond to sexual victimization, as well as to implement the National Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Standards.


The mission of the Sexual Abuse Prevention & Education Office is to provide a safe, secure, and humane environment where incarcerated individuals serving a prison sentence, and parolees serving a period of community supervision, can be safe from sexual abuse and sexual harassment by other incarcerated individuals, parolees or staff. Through prevention, education and ongoing victim support programs, the Sexual Abuse Prevention & Education Office works to eliminate all forms of sexual violence within the Department and to provide access to appropriate and meaningful emotional support for victims of sexual abuse.

Core Services

  • Implementing policies and programs to address sexual victimization of incarcerated individuals and others.
  • Ensuring compliance with federal Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) requirements, including audits and reporting.
  • Promoting the availability of victim support services.
  • Ensuring equitable treatment of LGBTIQ+ incarcerated individuals and releasees.

NOTE: The Office of Special Investigations is responsible for investigating allegations of misconduct.


Sexual Abuse Prevention & Education Office
1220 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12226
[email protected]