A gavel in the foreground with a person holding a pen in the back

Incarcerated Legal Resources Program (ILRP)

Incarcerated Legal Resources Program (ILRP)


The Incarcerated Legal Resources Program (ILRP) provides incarcerated individuals access to legal resource materials not available in the facility law libraries through the Secure Offender Network (SON) and print material.

Department Directive 4483 establishes guidelines for the operation of this program.

The ILRP is limited to obtaining the following resources:

  • American Law Reports (ALR) articles
  • Court decisions
  • Law review articles less than 20 years old
  • New York Law Journal articles
  • Sections of the New York State Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP), the historic penal law
  • Other state statutory laws
  • Records and briefs for New York State cases, the U.S. Supreme Court and federal cases from the U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
  • Requests for older copies of records and briefs only available in microfiche format by the New York State Library and converted in Library Services to be provided in electronic format at each DOCCS Law Libraries

The goal of the program is to provide incarcerated individuals with increased access to the New York State courts’ records.

The official ILRP Request Form must be used in order to submit requests. The completed request forms should be sent to the ILRP/Library Services address listed on the form. The ILRP does not fill requests for materials that are available in print or electronic format in the facility law library.

Most correctional facilities offer the Incarcerated Legal Resources Program (ILRP) via paper submission forms.