DOCCS Office of Special Investigations (OSI)
Overview and Mission
Vigorously Pursuing Justice

The New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) Office of Special Investigations (OSI) serves as the Department’s investigative body, pursuant to Directive 0700 and Correction Law §§ 112 and 621. The primary mission of OSI is to advance the mission and statutory mandates of the Department; vigorously pursue justice through fair, thorough, and impartial investigations; and foster accountability, integrity, and safety within the Department.

OSI’s fundamental goal is to prevent, detect, and investigate abuse, fraud, waste, misconduct, corruption, and criminal activity, among other matters, and to help promote integrity within New York State’s correctional and community supervision system. OSI is a 24-hour a day, 365-day a year operation that is never “off-duty.” It is staffed with approximately 250 dedicated employees. OSI members respond to fatalities of incarcerated individuals; allegations of excessive force; sexual abuse and misconduct; narcotics and contraband smuggling; biological threats; counterterrorism, violent extremism, and anti-radicalization efforts; attempted escapes; fugitive apprehensions and transports, and much more. OSI not only responds to various scenarios, but also uses its significant investigative, technological, and tactical expertise to proactively conduct special operations such as inspections and monitoring to accomplish its mission. Further, OSI collaborates with outside law enforcement agencies and prosecutors to leverage resources and, when there is evidence of criminality, seek justice. As OSI looks to the future, it will continue to build its capabilities and serve DOCCS and the State as a premier investigative organization.

Accountability and Integrity

The DOCCS Office of Special Investigations recognizes that accountability and integrity are essential to maintaining and promoting public trust in New York State’s correctional and community supervision system. Therefore, OSI advances the Department’s mission by fostering accountability, justice, and integrity within the Department. These goals are best served by OSI when its members follow the basic principles of integrity, objectivity without bias or prejudice, independence, confidentiality, professionalism, competence, courage, diligence, trust, honesty, fairness, forthrightness, transparency, accountability, courtesy and respect for others and themselves. OSI members are held to the highest expectations in maintaining and advancing these values. Furthermore, accuracy, objectivity, fairness, timeliness, and usefulness of investigative findings are cornerstones of OSI. 

Additionally, DOCCS’ OSI is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion by ensuring equal justice and opportunity without discrimination against any person based on their protected class: race, color, national origin, creed/religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions), disability (physical or mental), age (18 and older), citizenship status, predisposing genetic characteristics, marital status, familial status (being pregnant, caring for a child under 18, or seeking to adopt a child under 18), sexual orientation (including perceived sexual orientation), gender (including sexual harassment), gender identity, gender expression, military status, prior arrest/criminal record, prior convictions (unless certain requirements have been met), domestic violence victim status, and/or retaliation for filing a complaint.  

Finally, OSI recognizes the importance of being free from personal or external impairments to independence or conflicts of interest. The pursuit of justice must further be free from bias, prejudice, or any other impairment to objectivity. While part of the Department, OSI maintains an independent attitude to ensure impartiality and fairness in fulfilling OSI’s goals and functions. OSI and its members strive to adhere to the highest standards of conduct, training, and ethics to uphold these values and fulfill its mission.  

Filing a Complaint with OSI
What to Know Before Filing a Complaint
The Process

See a breakdown of what information should be provided when filing a complaint and how OSI handles complaints once they have been filed

Confidentiality and Anonymous Complaints

Learn more about how OSI protects complainants' identities and right to confidentiality when filing a complaint

File a Complaint
File a Complaint Online or by Email, Phone or Mail

OSI's Organizational Structure

DOCCS’ OSI is divided into five major Divisions: Intake, Training, and Analysis Division, Fugitive Investigations Division, Internal Affairs Division, Criminal Investigations Division, and Sex Crimes Division. OSI is led by a Deputy Commissioner/Chief, who reports directly to the Commissioner and Executive Deputy Commissioner. An Assistant Commissioner and Director of Operations, along with Deputy Chief Investigators, comprise OSI’s executive leadership. OSI’s investigative staff have a wide range of experience, education, and backgrounds, including those having worked in other state or federal law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies, and have extensive knowledge of the corrections and parole system.

Most Wanted
Be On The Lookout
Who is Most Wanted

Find out which individuals are wanted by the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision's (DOCCS) Office of Special Investigations who have been designated as its Most Wanted Fugitives. They should be considered ARMED and DANGEROUS.

How to Provide Leads and Tips

NEVER attempt to apprehend a fugitive yourself. If you have information on the location of any of these fugitives, you can contact OSI 24 hours a day / 7 days a week to report it. All leads and tips are treated as confidential information.

If an immediate response is necessary (e.g., the wanted person is spotted at a location), please call “911” and report it to the police.

A Message from OSI's Chief

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” This quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. captures the essence of what the DOCCS Office of Special Investigations embodies. OSI investigators vigorously pursue evidence in a professional, independent, objective, and fair manner. This pursuit of justice, consistent with the constitution we are sworn to uphold, is ultimately a means to hold the guilty accountable and exonerate the innocent. These investigations frequently start with a person filing a complaint with OSI. If you have filed a complaint or are planning to do so, please know that we appreciate you bringing the allegations and your concerns to our attention.  Each complaint is thoroughly reviewed so that we can address them in an effective and efficient manner.  

You should know that OSI is comprised of a highly trained, diverse group of professional investigators. I for one have over 25 years’ experience working in the criminal justice system, as an inspector general; prosecutor; and defense attorney. Through that experience, I’ve come to learn that integrity is vital for successful organizations. By promoting integrity within DOCCS, OSI helps foster a safe environment for incarcerated individuals, those under community supervision, and Departmental employees.  – Darren Miller, Deputy Commissioner and Chief of OSI
Headshot of Darren T. Miller, Deputy Commissioner and ChiefDarren T. Miller, Deputy Commissioner and Chief
Language Access

                بالمخدرات؛ وحيازة المواد المحظورة؛ وسوء سلوك الموظفين؛ والسلوك الإجرامي من قبل
            الأفراد المسجونين أو المفرج عنهم أو الموظفين أو الزائرين أو المتطوعين أو المقاولين المتعاقدين؛
       والتطرف العنيف. ويعتبر مكتب التحقيقات الخاصة (OSI) هو المنظمة المعنيَّة داخل الإدارة بالتحقيق في ادعاءات النشاط الإجرامي المتعلقة بالإدارة وأي مخالفات أخرى تُرتكب داخلها.

أبلِغ عن سوء السلوك: اتصل بـ 1-844-674-4697، عبر الإنترنت:، أو راسل
Office of Special Investigations - Intake Unit, Department of Corrections and Community Supervision Harriman State Office Campus, 1220 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12226-2050


সংশোধন কমিউনিটি তদারকি বিভাগ (Department of Corrections and Community Supervision) শারীরিক এবং
যৌন নির্যাতন; ড্রাগ পাচার; বে-আইনী দখল; কর্মীদের অসদাচরণ; কারাবন্দী ব্যক্তি, প্যারোলি, কর্মচারী, দর্শনার্থী,
স্বেচ্ছাসেবক বা ঠিকাদারদের অপরাধমূলক আচরণ; এবং হিংস্র চরমপন্থা সহ্য করে না বিশেষ তদন্ত অফিস (Office of Special
Investigations, OSI) বিভাগের মধ্যে একটি সংস্থা যা বিভাগের সাথে সম্পর্কিত অপরাধমূলক ক্রিয়াকলাপ এবং এর মধ্যে অন্য যে
কোনও অন্যায় কাজের তদন্ত করে

অসদাচরণ রিপোর্ট করুন: অনলাইনে কল করুন:1-844-674-4697, বা লিখুন
Office of Special Investigations - Intake Unit, Department of Corrections and Community Supervision
Harriman State Office Campus, 1220 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12226-2050


Depaman Koreksyon ak Sipèvizyon Kominotè pa tolere okenn moun abize lòt fizikman oswa seksyèlman; trafike dwòg; gen
kontrebann nan men yo; move konpòtman manm pèsonèl la; zak kriminèl moun ki nan prizon, moun ki nan liberasyon
kondisyonèl, anplwaye, vizitè, benevòl, oswa moun ki gen kontra ak nou yo; ak fanatik vyolan yo.  Biwo Ankèt Espesyal
(Office of Special Investigations, OSI) se òganizasyon anndan Depatman an ki mennen ankèt sou aktivite kriminèl ki gen rapò ak
Depatman an ak nenpòt sa ki pase mal ladan.

Pote Plent pou Move Konpòtman: Rele 1-844-674-4697, Anliy:, oswa ekri
Office of Special Investigations - Intake Unit, Department of Corrections and Community Supervision
Harriman State Office Campus, 1220 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12226-2050


Il Dipartimento Penitenziario e per la Supervisione della Comunità (Department of Corrections and Community Supervision) non ammette gli abusi di natura fisica e sessuale, il traffico di stupefacenti, le attività di contrabbando, la cattiva condotta del personale, atti di estremismo violento, né comportamenti criminali da parte di detenuti all’interno dei penitenziari o in libertà condizionata, di dipendenti, visitatori, volontari o collaboratori esterni. L’Ufficio di Indagini Speciali (Office of Special Investigations, OSI) è l’organizzazione interna al Dipartimento che si occupa delle accuse di attività criminale rivolte al Dipartimento stesso e di ogni altro genere di violazione che abbia luogo al suo interno.

Segnalazioni di cattiva condotta: Telefonare al numero 1-844-674-4697, Online:,
o scrivere a
Office of Special Investigations - Intake Unit, Department of Corrections and Community Supervision
Harriman State Office Campus, 1220 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12226-2050


교정 지역사회 감독부(Department of Corrections and Community Supervision) 신체적 성적 학대; 마약 밀매; 밀수품 소지; 직원의 위법 행위; 수감자, 가석방자, 직원, 방문자, 자원 봉사자 또는 계약자의 범죄 행위; 그리고 폭력적인 극단주의를 용납하지 않습니다. 특별 수사국(Ofice of Special Investigations, OSI) 교정 지역사회 감독부와 관련된 범죄 활동 기타 범죄 혐의를 조사하는 부서 내의 조직입니다.

위법 행위 신고: 전화 1-844-674-4697, 온라인:, 또는 서면
Office of Special Investigations - Intake Unit, Department of Corrections and Community Supervision
Harriman State Office Campus, 1220 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12226-2050


Wydział Więziennictwa i Nadzoru Społecznego (Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, DCCS) nie toleruje przemocy fizycznej
i seksualnej, handlu narkotykami, posiadania kontrabandy, niewłaściwego zachowania personelu, przestępstw popełnianych przez osadzonych, warunkowo zwolnionych, pracowników, odwiedzających, wolontariuszy lub kontrahentów, a także agresywnego ekstremizmu. Biuro Dochodzeń Specjalnych (Office of Special Investigations, OSI) jest organizacją w ramach Wydziału, która bada zarzuty działalności przestępczej związanej
z Wydziałem oraz wszelkie inne wykroczenia w jego obrębie.

Zgłoś wykroczenie: zadzwoń pod numer 1-844-674-4697, zgłoś online: lub napisz na adres Office of Special Investigations - Intake Unit, Department of Corrections and Community Supervision
Harriman State Office Campus, 1220 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12226-2050


Департамент штата Нью-Йорк по вопросам исполнения наказаний и общественного надзора (New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, NYS DOCCS) не приемлет физическое и сексуальное насилие, продажу наркотиков, владение контрабандой, нарушение правил профессиональной этики, насильственный экстремизм, а также преступную деятельность со стороны лиц, находящихся в местах лишения свободы, условно-досрочно освобожденных лиц, сотрудников, посетителей, волонтеров и подрядчиков. Управление специальных расследований (Office of Special Investigations, OSI) — это отдел Департамента, который расследует заявления о правонарушениях и незаконной деятельности, связанных с Департаментом.

Чтобы сообщить о правонарушении, позвоните по номеру 1-844-674-4697, перейдите на сайт или отправьте письмо по адресу Office of Special Investigations - Intake Unit, Department of Corrections and Community Supervision Harriman State Office Campus, 1220 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12226-2050


惩教和社区监督署 (Department of Corrections and Community Supervision) 绝不姑息以下行径:身体和性虐待;毒品走私;持有违禁品;员工不当行为;被监禁人员、假释人员、雇员、访客、志愿者或承包商实施的犯罪行为;暴力极端主义。特别调查办公室 (Office of Special Investigations, OSI) 隶属于本署,负责调查本署相关犯罪活动指控及其他任何内部不法行为。

举报不当行为:致电 1-844-674-4697、在线访问:,或写信至 Office of Special Investigations - Intake Unit, Department of Corrections and Community Supervision Harriman State Office Campus,
1220 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12226-2050


El Departamento de Correcciones y Supervisión Comunitaria no tolera el abuso físico ni sexual; el tráfico de drogas; la posesión de contrabando; el mal comportamiento del empleado; el comportamiento criminal por individuos encarcelados, liberados bajo palabra, empleados, visitantes, voluntarios ni contratistas; ni extremismo violento. La Oficina de Investigaciones Especiales (OSI) es la organización dentro del Departamento que investiga los alegatos de actividad criminal relacionada al Departamento y cualquier otra fechoría dentro de este.

Reporte el mal comportamiento: Llame al 1-844-674-46971-844-674-4697, En línea:, o escriba a Office of Special Investigations - Intake Unit, Department of Corrections and Community Supervision  Harriman State Office Campus, 1220 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12226-2050
Office of Special Investigations - Intake Unit, Department of Corrections and Community Supervision
Harriman State Office Campus, 1220 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12226-2050


דער דעפארטמענט אוו קארעקשאנס און קאמיוניטי סופערוויזשאן (Department of Corrections and Community Supervision) טאלערירט נישט קיין פיזישע און  סעקזשועל אביוז; דראג שווערצונג; קאנטראבאנד באזיצונג; שטאב אומפאסיגע-אויפפירונג; קרימינאלע אויפפירונג דורך ארעסטירטע מענטשן, פאראליס, שטאב, באזוכער, וואלונטירן, אדער קאנטראקטערס; און געוואלדטאטן עקסטרעמיזם. דער אפיס פון ספעציעלע אויספארשונגען (Office of Special Investigations, OSI) איז די ארגאניזאציע אינערהאלב דעם דעפארטמענט וואס פארשט אויס באשולדיגונגען פון קרימינאלע אקטיוויטעט פארבינדן מיטן דעפארטמענט און סיי אנדערע אומרעכט דערין.

באריכט אומפאסיגע-אויפפירונג: רופט 1-844-674-4697, אנליין:, אדער שרייבט Office of Special Investigations - Intake Unit, Department of Corrections and Community Supervision Harriman State Office Campus,
1220 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12226-2050