Community Based Residential Programs (CBRPs) are housing initiatives that assist undomiciled individuals returning home from prison in attaining stability in the community.
CBRPs provide food, counseling, and other services, such as substance abuse treatment, educational/vocational training, mental health and social services either directly or through referrals. They offer structured settings and services for a period of up to 120 days with extensions available on a case-by-case basis.
CBRP Grants
REO awards and manages grant funds to eligible programs to support formerly incarcerated individuals with successful reintegration through a Continuous Recruitment Request for Application.
DOCCS invites applications from not-for-profit and for-profit providers throughout New York State to develop and operate CBRPs for individuals under community supervision.
Community based organizations interested in becoming vendors should contact:
Linda Mitchell 518-436-7886 ext. 3115 [email protected]
Frank Arpey 518-436-7886 ext. 3120 [email protected]