
As part of our continuing effort to enhance our policies to prevent the sexual abuse of incarcerated individuals and releasees to provide for the care of victims of sexual abuse, the Department:

  • follows Directive 4027 and a Sexual Victimization Prevention Policy Manual
  • regularly conducts employee training including "Sexual Abuse Prevention and Response" and refresher training at least every two years
  • issued an all employees memorandum summarizing the agency’s zero tolerance policy and provides annual refresher information to all staff

DOCCS has also undertaken efforts to better inform our population by producing educational materials. These materials are updated periodically to ensure that incarcerated individuals and parolees are aware of the Department’s current policies. These materials include our comprehensive “The Prevention of Sexual Victimization in Prison: What You Need to Know” brochure and poster to encourage incarcerated individuals and other offenders to report any issues involving sexual abuse.

DOCCS contract providers distribute a similar orientation pamphlet to residents who are placed in Community-Based Residential Programs (CBRP) as a condition of their release.


For more information on the Prison Rape Elimination Act and national efforts to end custodial sexual violence, you can visit:

PREA Standards

PREA Resource Center

National Institute of Corrections

Office of Justice Programs

Just Detention International

The Moss Group, Inc

Facility Audits

In accordance with the National PREA Standards, the Department conducts PREA Audits at each of its correctional facilities, and has been conducting them since October 2015. PREA Audits are conducted by Department of Justice--Certified PREA Auditors. Under the Standards, the Department will have one-third of its facilities audited each year, so all facilities are audited during each three-year PREA audit cycle.


Find a Facility               See All Audits

Annual Reports

This report provides a summary of total allegations of sexual abuse and sexual harassment as reported to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) annually. Allegations of sexual abuse and sexual harassment are based on the most recent definitions provided by BJS and reporting requirements as specified in the National Standards to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Prison Rape, under 28 CFR part 115.


    Annual Report on Sexual Victimization 2016 - 2020

    This report provides a comparison of allegations of sexual abuse and sexual harassment as reported to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) for calendar years 2016 - 2020 as well as corrective actions taken at facilities and the agency as a whole.




    Annual Report on Sexual Victimization 2015 - 2019

    This report provides a comparison of allegations of sexual abuse and sexual harassment as reported to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) for calendar years 2015 - 2019 as well as corrective actions taken at facilities and the agency as a whole.




    Annual Report on Sexual Victimization 2013 - 2017

    This report provides a comparison of allegations of sexual abuse and sexual harassment as reported to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) for calendar years 2013 - 2017 as well as corrective actions taken at facilities and the agency as a whole.



CBRP Final Audit Reports

In accordance with the National PREA Standards, the Department’s contract Community Based Residential Programs conduct PREA Audits in accordance with a schedule set in conjunction with the Department. PREA Audits are conducted by Department of Justice-Certified PREA Auditors.

Programs with contracts effective May 1, 2017 and beyond are required to be audited under the PREA Standards for Community Confinement Facilities. As required by the Standards, the Department ensures that one-third of the CBRPs are audited each year beginning May 2018 so that all facilities are audited during each three-year PREA audit cycle.

The CBRP final PREA Audit reports are listed below by date of issuance.